Thursday, October 23, 2008

New Look

I was bored today (it's been SOOOOO nice not having any sewing projects or much of anything else to work on during Addie's naptime), so I decided to change our blog background. I don't like orange and I'm not a huge fan of green, but I thought this one looked rather fall-ish and at least there is a little touch of blue (my fav. color). I'm sure it will be temporary for the season so enjoy it while it lasts!

Pretty sad that I'm blogging about my blog....but what can I say, I'm trying to pass the time for some reason ;) I am 38 weeks and 1 day so at least we know this baby is going to be good and ready and won't have to go through some of the things 37 weekers have to do. And hopefully bubsis will be a little more advanced at the suck reflex than Addie was and we won't have any issues there. Just can't wait to see this little person!

1 comment:

Becca said...

I wish I could come spend some time with y'all before you "pop" to help the time pass... Unfortunately, I'll be nannying all day. :D Actually, the little boy I nanny is about Addie's age. He's a doll - most of the time, anyway. Maybe we could just drive up and play with y'all... His mother might not approve. ;o

Well... have fun. I'm sure your little one will be strong and healthy by the time he/she makes an appearance :)