Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Gender Prediction Fun

Ok, so we're waiting in great anticipation to find out the gender of little bubsis and I have been reading tons of silly ways to "test" and find out before the big day. One test I discovered the other day is the pencil test. Anyone can do it, even if you're not pregnant (guys too) and it should tell you the gender of all of your kids or future kids. Here's how: thread a needle and stick it into the eraser end of a pencil. Dangle the pencil over your wrist and watch what happens. If the pencil swings back and forth (in the direction your watch band would go) it means girl, if it swings from fingers to elbow it means boy. It should either just stop and wiggle or spin in a circle between kids. You have to be really patient and still for it to work! It supposedly counts miscarriages too, but I didn't find this to hold true 100% of the time. So far, it worked accurately on both of my parents and my brother's caregiver. Give it a try and leave me a comment if it was accurate for you! Ours said 3 girls, 1 boy, and then 2 more girls...hmmmmmmmm.

Another test is dangling a wedding ring on a strand of hair over a pregnant belly. If it spins in a circle, it means girl and if it sways back and forth it's a boy. Again, mine said girl. I think we tried this one when I was pregnant with Addie, but I can't really remember what it said!

Here's one more I had never heard of: the hairline test. If you look at the hairline on the neck of your previous child and it comes to a point, the next child will be a girl. If the hairline goes straight across, the next child will be a boy. This one doesn't hold true for Chris as his hairline comes to a point and he has a younger brother. Addie's hairline is hard to tell, but I think it comes to a point.

I know, I know, none of these are 100% accurate and we'll know what bubsis is very soon (hopefully REALLY SOON)...but they are all fun to try!

1 comment:

Becca said...

LOL!!! You guys are funny... I think it's awesome that y'all are not finding out the gender of your baby until it's birthday!! :D We are planning on doing that when we start a family.
I don't know if I'm more excited to find out what your baby's sex is or what it's name is going to be :D
Praying your last days are peaceful and that you don't feel too uncomfortable. Waiting for the news... Nick and Becca