Monday, September 29, 2008

"Oh My Goodness"

Here is Addie's latest saying, "Oh my goodness".....

As I was wondering where she could have possibly picked that one up, I heard myself saying it several times just last night. Hmmmmm....gotta be very careful what we say lately! In her silliness last night, she also began calling me "mommium" and that has continued today as well. She just keeps us laughing!
Over the weekend, Chris built Addie (and future kiddos) a swing set in our backyard. It began as a pile of wood and slowly transformed into "Addie's house" as she calls it. Addie LOVES to swing and slide so both of those features are included in our new swing set. It is nothing huge and it's not totally finished, but the swing and slide are ready for use and she absolutely loves it! I will have to say that Chris almost drilled a hole in his thumb early in the day on Saturday, but refused to stop working until he made some major progress on the swing set. He's going to the doctor today to have it checked out...just hoping it's not infected or anything fun like that.

The "before"

Leaning on the roof of "Addie's house"

Helping mark the drill holes

Helping daddy drill

Sitting in Addie's house--nice socks, Daddy!

Testing out the swing (it definitely met her approval)

Ready to slide!

In preggo news, my body has decided to give up on me a little earlier than it did with Addie. I have been going to physical therapy about 2-3 times a week to help with back pain and sciatic nerve issues (I'm sure I've been overdoing it a bit lately, which hasn't helped). "No lifting Addie" is on my list of don'ts so it has been very challenging around here lately. My mom and Chris have been major saviors for me as I'm trying to help my body prepare for the big day. Of course, between Christopher's bum thumb and my limitations, we're not doing much good around here. Addie has learned how to use a stool to climb up and down and she has been very patient (for a 21 month old!) with me. Only a few more weeks to go and honestly, I can't complain a bit about how easy this pregnancy has been up to this point. Now we're just ready for a baby! (Or are we?)


The McCrary Family said...

Well, this is absolutely adorable! I have played it over and over and over so that I could hear it again. The picture of Chris and Addie together in her "house" is so sweet - what a special time together for them! Just think . . . a month to go - if that!!

Cheryl Troxel said...

Love the video. She is just too cute. I hope she is enjoying the new play set!

The Brace Family said...

love it!! so fun!! great job on that...oh chris and i read through all your fun times and big birthday trip..we both said sounds like something we would do...can't wait to see each other again..know you are soo ready fo that baby to get here.hugs!!