Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Amazing Addie

There is never a dull moment when you live with Addie! I've started writing down things she says and does and I thought I'd share. She is quite the singer and can sing the ABCs, Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Jesus Loves Me (my personal favorite), and she even does Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes...and was caught doing this during the Children's sermon at church on Sunday :) She also likes Ba ba, Black Sheep and Little Bo Peep.

We have started doing "school" in the mornings and she is very good at letter recognition. She actually can name almost every letter of the alphabet when I randomly point to them and even knows some of the lower case letters. Numbers are a different story and she is still struggling with the number 4. She likes to count: 1, 2, 3....7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12. If I say 4, she then goes on with 5 and 6. We'll be continuing to work on that!

She also LOVES to help around the house. Her stool goes to every room with her so she can be more on our level (which can be dangerous at times ;) We let her help wash the dishes (she rinses) and prepare lunch and dinner when possible. Here she is helping daddy with the dishes...

Here are a few of my favorite Addie-isms lately:
"That's my favorite kind of sissy"--talking about Lydia of course
When I told her that Lydia wanted to play with her she said in the cutest way to her baby sister, "Do you want to build a tower?" (I can't wait for the day when this can really happen!)
"I need some cow milk!"--asking for milk during church
"Hello, I am named Addie"
Last week she informed me of this: "I'm getting married!"
"Hold me BIG!" --meaning standing up, rather than sitting down
"That's amazing!"
While spinning in circles, "Mommy, I'm getting busy" (meaning dizzy)
She is really into reading and loves books by Jan Brett...so every book she "reads" by herself is "by Jan Brett," even the Bible ;)

Here she is singing partial versions of Jesus Loves me (note "the Bible tells me so...big") and the ABCs (she is saying tag along K, and gets this from the book "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom").


Cheryl Troxel said...

Tag along K - she melts my heart!

Cheryl Troxel said...

Tag along K - she melts my heart!

Anonymous said...

Jacob loves it. He laughed and smiled as soon as he heard her voice.

The McCrary Family said...

Jeff and I LOVED this post! The video is great, adnd we were smiling from ear to ear! LOVE "TAG A LONG-A - K!" Oh, and by the way, how was the coffee? Love her, love you!

Melissa said...

She is the sweetest! I was laughing out loud at the video! I loved at the end, "Thank you." and then she's gone. Hilarious!

Kelly, Kevin, Garrett, Grant, and Isabelle said...

Addie is amazing! She is such a sweetie! It was great seeing you all this past weekend! Take care and we hope to see you again soon:)