Sunday, June 22, 2008

Saturday Fun

Yesterday was just too beautiful of a day to stay inside and do nothing, so we decided to take a little trip to the zoo. We weren't there for very long, but in our time there we managed to see the adorable Prairie Dogs (that remind us of Joe), snoozing wolves, giraffes and zebras, a lion and a tiger, some Billy goats and miniature horses, monkeys, birds, snakes, and we even ran into our friends Rusty, Ali, and Luke Schimmell, who were also spending a morning at the zoo!

Addie did walk, rather than ride in her stroller for part of the time and she was very tired by the time we left. Right as we were getting ready to leave, there were two zookeepers who had a baby alligator and a corn snake available for an up close view and even petting! This is where Mommy had to put aside her fears and show Addie that it was okay to touch these animals (although I must admit I did not touch the snake!). Here is a picture of Addie getting ready to pet the alligator, and there's her good buddy Luke in the background :)

After lunch and a long afternoon nap, we headed back outside to help Daddy with some things. I have mentioned before about Addie's strong love of "soapy" and anything that involves water and bubbles ("bustles"), so needless to say she loves to help wash the van. She actually used the wheel brush and Chris taught her how to clean the wheels...

Here is a little clip showing just how much she enjoys her "soapy!" I think she thought Mommy needed the "soapy" more than the van :)

1 comment:

The McCrary Family said...

Jeff and I just watched the video of Addie. HOW CUTE!! We were both laughing. She is very cute. "Soapy" is just adorable. Good to hear your voice, too! Love you all!