Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Friend Named "Mim"

One day a few weeks ago, Addie mentioned something about her friend named Mim. Hmmm....I thought for a minute and wondered if this could be her first imaginary friend! After asking her a few questions about Mim, I realized that Mim is indeed imaginary.

Addie informed me that Mim lives in a place called "Basanta," which she says is in Indianapolis. We're not sure where she came up with Basanta, but she does have an uncle and lots of good friends who live in and around Indianapolis :)

Mim has blond hair and always seems to be wearing an outfit that matches Addie's :) She is the same height as Addie too. I have never heard Addie talking to Mim, but apparently Mim tells Addie things like, "Mim said I need to send my yucky nummy (her pacifier) to Jamaica." I think I like this Mim character very much! Of course Mim is totally WRONG when it's naptime or bedtime, at least that's what Addie tells me for now.

We asked if she had any other friends who live in Basanta with Mim and one other character has been mentioned. This friend is a boy and his name is "Kylophone" know, like xylophone with a 'K' :) We don't know any other details about Kylophone, other than he's a boy. I almost fell over when she said this, but I'd never laugh at her! I don't EVER want to crush her beautiful little imagination!


Becca said...

LOL!!! Noah had an imaginary friend too... but I can't remember his name.

We're dying to know what our little first born girl's personality is going to be like. She is almost ALWAYS giving us the most stern looks and just seems like she is always thinking that we are not very knowledgeable parents. :) We can't help but laugh at her faces... I have a feeling she is going to be a handful. :D

Melissa said...